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About the client

The Luka is an open financial ecosystem, an environment for people, businesses, developers, banks, governments to build in a transparent, efficient, and friendly way.
Luka is a digital currency. Luka foundation takes care of an ecosystem whose purpose is to facilitate monetary interactions in a conscious way.

The opportunity

User experience, web design, front-end development, user interface design.
Business logic, application development, digital strategy and consulting.

Our role

Create a digital crypto wallet based on the La Luka token. This product is intended to be the "master key" of access to the entire Luka ecosystem, the challenge is to be reliable, stable, different and radiate the brand identity to the digital product.

What we did

What we do on technology issues. We accompany your projects from planning and design, to development and maintenance of the same.
What we do consulting on technology issues. We accompany your projects from planning and design, to development and maintenance of the same.

UX / UI Design

UX design consulting on technology issues. We accompany your projects from planning and design, to development and maintenance of the same.
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Illustrations work on technology issues. We accompany your projects from planning and design, to development and maintenance of the same.
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