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About the client

RealArt Crypto is a platform that allows investing in tangible art assets, under the principles of Fragmentation, Democratization and Investment Vehicles, in order to keep track of the acquisition of value of the goods.
RealArt Crypto is a platform that allows investing in tangible art assets, under the principles of Fragmentation, Democratization and Investment Vehicles, in order to keep track of the acquisition of value of the goods.

The opportunity

Discovery, user experience design and user interface design.
In this opportunity we became the lead consultant for Blockchain and Crypto technologies.

Our role

Create a commercial dynamic and enjoyment of curated art pieces democratizing and making it accessible to everyone through a technological development based on NFT'S Blockchain and Web3.

What we did

What we did on technology issues. We accompany your projects from planning and design, to development and maintenance of the same.
We accompany your projects from planning and design, to development and maintenance of the same.

UX / UI Design

Explanation design on technology issues. We accompany your projects from planning and design, to development and maintenance of the same.
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Brand details

Illustrations on technology issues. We accompany your projects from planning and design, to development and maintenance of the same.
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